The Absolute Best Travel Quotes for Inspiration

The absolute best travel quotes for inspiration can prompt you to take action to plan that next trip and jet set off to the place of your dreams.

They will inspire you and get you thinking about your next adventure. Inspirational travel quotes contain words of wisdom and they plant a seed and get you thinking of where you’ve been and where you want to go.

Really good travel quotes will heighten your desire to see things from a different perspective and often encourage you to take action and see the world.

Here are the absolute best travel quotes for inspiration.

“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” Oscar Wilde.

Live life with no excuses! This travel quote alone inspires you to take action!

It’s so easy to find an excuse for us not to do something. Time, money, and responsibilities are just a few excuses we give ourselves when we think we are unable to do something. The best travel quotes make us question what we are doing and inspire us to travel more.

Life is short. Don’t regret not seizing the opportunity to fulfill your dreams. Plan to take that trip, plan to take that vacation, and go explore the world.

Sometimes it is hard to live your life and find ways to fulfill your dreams as we often find ourselves  making excuses rather than facing what is holding us back from achieving what we want. I encourage you to read all the absolute best travel quotes so that they can help you to decide to stop making excuses and just go travel.

Life is way too short to not travel.

Here is another absolute great and inspiring travel quote that will motivate you to take action and travel.

Great things never came from comfort zones.

Truer words have never been spoken. How many trips have you dreamt about taking? How many destinations and adventures have you always thought about doing but were scared?

This inspirational travel quote really makes you think about stretching out of your comfort zone and taking that leap.

Want to see the world, but have no one to go with? Think about traveling solo or go alone with a group of solo travelers. Travel quotes that inspire will get you thinking about your options.

Stretching out of your comfort zone is scary, but you’ll often achieve more and change the way you see yourself!

There are plenty of travel quotes out there, but this is my favorite and prompted me to think about what is really important.

“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world. “ Gustave Flaubert

Did you ever notice that you are very similar to the people in your town? Sure, there are some differences, but for the most part you have more similarities than differences.

I never really noticed that until I traveled to Europe, or even New York City for that matter. There are so many different kinds of people from different walks of life. People dress so different from each other when you go to a big metropolis or another country.

It makes one realize that you are just a tiny little dot in this world. No one is looking at you, your hair, or your outfit. Do you know why? Because in the grand scheme of things, it really doesn’t matter.

A great travel quote always makes you think on a deeper level.

Put down the map and get wonderfully lost.

If there was ever an absolute best travel quote to encourage me to plan an adventure, this is it! Oh, the joys of discovering new things!

Just by putting down the map and taking it all in, one can discover more than they ever imagined. Some of the best things are often found when we are not looking for them.

Now, I’m not one to put the map down in areas I don’t feel safe or comfortable, but getting lost in the streets of Paris or Rome is my idea of fun.

Isn’t that why we travel? To see and discover new places, to meet new people and to discover more about ourselves.

There is so much to see and discover when we put the map down and open our eyes to all the world has to offer.

‘’The journey not the arrival matters.” T.S. Eliot

This is definitely one of those stop and smell the roses kind of quotes. How true it is!

One of the best things about traveling, is everything. Everything on the journey. The ups, the downs, and everything in between.

Sure, the arrival is great, but the journey along the way is everything. Everything that motivates me to travel over and over again.

Many think that the journey is the task that is needed to get to their destination. While that is technically true, thinking that way can often mean missing out on an unexpected experience, or the unexpected pleasure of meeting a new friend, the unexpected delight of finding that cute shop or delicious cafe.

“Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.” Doug Ivester

No matter how old we are or how young we are, we all have memories and some great ones at that.

Often, we can look back on the past and recall with a smile, the many happy times we have experienced.

As with anything, life has its up and downs, and it’s often our happy memories that often fill our mind when we are experiencing not so pleasant times. We are fortunate to have them, and it’s wonderful to reflect, but we can’t have our past be greater than our future.

We can’t let our memories be greater than our dreams.

By fulfilling our dreams and reaching our goals, we create new memories. Our future is determined by our dreams, which we can make our reality.

Dreams to travel and explore, and to learn something new. Dreams to make new friendships along the way and to have new experiences. Never stop dreaming and making memories.

This quote is absolutely the best travel quote I’ve found and will make you want to plan a new adventure.

“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” Susan Sontag (Does this inspire you to travel or what?)

Who just doesn’t want to travel and see the world?

With everyplace I go, I come home wanting to pack that suitcase and head off to my next adventure.

The more places I see and experience, the more I want to see, and the more I want to experience. With each country, with each new language, with each new friendship, the more my thirst for travel cannot be quenched.

Don’t wait for the perfect time to go, or the perfect companion to go with, just go!

Need more inspiration? Check out the Ten of the Best Travel Quotes with Friends.

There is a big world out there, go see and explore, and work on your list!

“Live your life by a compass, not a clock.” Stephen Covey

Did you ever notice that when you are traveling, you hardly ever look at your phone or social media accounts? As a matter of fact, you hardly ever look at your watch.

It’s mostly because we are on vacation time. We are out of our daily ritual, and the daily grind of our everyday life.

Stephen Covey had it right when he said this.

When we are traveling, we are living our life as we want, and not as we have to. We often get caught up in the things we have to do, instead of what we want to do.

It is often hard to adhere to living by a compass on a day to day basis, when most people have a 9 to 5 job.

While we are off the clock, it’s good to grab your compass though and live like you are traveling.

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” Oprah Winfrey

For those who love to travel, the biggest adventure you can take is to travel the world. For me, that would be totally living the life of my dreams!

While I have been fortunate to have been to many places, there are so many more destinations on my list.

Whether your dreams include traveling the world, seeing all fifty states, or going back to where your ancestors came from, this inspirational travel quote by Oprah Winfrey reminds us that we are responsible for for our lives and our own happiness.  It is up to us to have the courage to live our lives and make our dreams come true.

Explore. Dream. Discover.

This travel quote speaks volumes. I have saved this quote for the end because it is one of my favorites and sums it up perfectly.

Explore. Explore the world, explore your back yard. Turn over every stone and look under every rock.

Dream really big dreams.

By doing this, you will discover all that life has to offer, including yourself.

The thing I love about quotes is that they are often short and sweet, direct and to the point. They are words of wisdom that will motivate and inspire you to take action.

These are my absolute best travel quotes for inspiration.  I hope they prompt you to get out your passport and plan your next adventure!

Below is a Pinterest friendly photo….so you can post it to your Travel Board!