19 Essential Safety Tips for Travel

19 Essential Safety Tips for Solo Female Travel.

Traveling alone can be exciting and scary. You worry if something bad is going to happen while you’re off by yourself seeing the world. While we can’t prevent everything, we can take some precautions to minimize the risks. The key to traveling safely as a solo traveler is to plan ahead and take appropriate safety measures. These  19 essential tips will help prepare you to ensure that you will have a great trip traveling by yourself.  

By following these suggestions, you will feel more confident and ready for your next solo adventure.

Research your destination.

Look for the best and safest neighborhoods to stay in, and know what areas to avoid. 

As a female solo traveler, you always want to know your surroundings and be in the safest areas at all times.

Find out what to wear so you don’t stand out from the crowd. Nothing screams tourists as wearing something that is in complete contrast to the norm of that area.

Leave your good jewelry at home and wear something fun and inexpensive.

Determine how you are going to get to and from the airport and what travel documents are needed.

Research commons scams in the area just to keep you on your toes.

Check out 9 ultimate destinations for solo travel for some great destination ideas.

Plan your first day or two

It’s a great idea to know where you are going to stay and to have a backup plan just in case things are not as they appeared online. 

I recently checked into a hotel after a long day of travel and found the hotel did not look or smell like what I expected. Fortunately, I was able to call a few backup hotels and found one that still had availability. They were even nice enough to price match! – It never hurts to ask. 

Decide what you want to do and have it planned out ahead of time. You’ll be glad to have it all figured out when you get there.

Plan a walking tour

This is a great way to get a feel of the area so you’re familiar with it.  You will not only get great information, but many times you’ll also get useful do and don’t tips for the area, especially as a female traveling solo.

As an added plus, you’ll meet other people who are traveling.

Use your phone.

While I don’t condone walking around with your head down and into your phone, sometimes it is necessary to do that.  Walk into a store or restaurant to take it out and look up what you need to.

Google Maps is a great way to figure out where you are and where you need to go.  

Google Translate is fabulous. Often you will meet different people from different areas and Google translate will come in handy when you want to communicate. 

Check in and give someone your itinerary

This is an essential safety tip for solo female travel.

Email a loved one your itinerary even if it’s not that detailed. This way people will have an idea where you are. Check-in with them now and again, or post on social media every few days.

Pack light

You will be so glad you did!  Not only will you save a lot of time, but you’ll also save money by packing light. Try for a capsule wardrobe where you can mix and match a lot of pieces that go together. You will not be weighed down and it’ll be much easier to get around without lugging around things that you don’t really need. 

Pack just what you need and that’s it. 

Be sure to carry some hair spray with you. It’s a good alternative to pepper spray which is illegal in some parts of Europe and a great way to protect yourself while traveling alone.

Essential Travel Tips - Pack light- WGT

Fake it til you make it!- Such a great tip for solo female travel

Stand tall and exude confidence. Walk around like you’ve been there before and you know what you’re doing. People are less likely to bother you if you appear confident and in charge, rather than looking scared and nervous. Just another reason to do your research before you go.

This has to be one of the most important safety tips for solo female travel.

Be confident, not careless.

Avoid travel at night

Try to limit your travel to during the day.

If you are out at night, walk in a cluster and try to stay close to families or couples.

If you are caught in a situation where it is late and you need to get back to your hotel or hostel, take an Uber. Do not walk the streets alone at night if no one is around. 

Know your limits. This is an essential tip for solo travel

Don’t push yourself further than you normally would just because you want to pack it all into one day.

Make sure you eat and drink plenty of fluids. I know it seems obvious, but sometimes when we get so caught up in what we’re doing, it’s easy to forget.

Most of all, don’t overindulge. It’s okay to have a glass or two but you need to know your surroundings and have a clear head about you at all times. 

Trust your instincts 

Always go with your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. While most people are very nice and helpful, there are some people out there that are not looking out for your best interest.

Be smart. If you think someone’s following you, cross the street to the other side.

 There is no need to tell people that you were traveling solo.  It’s ok to fib, and tell people your family is back at the hotel or you’re meeting them right around the corner. 

Never share where you’re staying. If someone asks you, be vague. 

Get a personal safety alarm

For about $15 you can get a personal alarm the size of a usb drive, that’s almost as loud as a jet taking off.  Keep it in your pocket for an added safety measure.

Get an anti-theft bag

The safest and best bag for travel is a cross-body bag. Look for something with a strong anti-slash fabric that has straps with wire reinforcement. It should have RFID blocking pockets and be small enough that you can wear it under a jacket. Locking clips and zippers are a must.

Make physical and digital copies of your passport and important documents. 

 Bring the copies with you and lock up the originals. You can give a copy to a loved one to have and also have a digital copy in your email or dropbox.

Essential Safety Tips- Woman Go Travel

International Phone Plan

 If you want to stay in touch with your family and friends from back home don’t forget to notify your carrier when you are traveling overseas and get an international plan. Make sure you turn off your data roaming too, so you don’t get a huge bill from your service provider. Another option is to look into getting a global prepaid sim card. They also have e SIM cards now which is a digital version of the SIM card that allows you to activate a cellular plan from your carrier without having to use a physical SIM card.


Limit Social Media

While it’s often fun to post beautiful and amazing pictures of your journey,  I suggest doing it after the fact. Wait until you’ve left and are at another location. You never know who is watching or could be following you.

Connect with other women 

There are so many women travelers out there. It’s a good way to make new friends, and look to each other for directions and questions.

Buy travel insurance

You never know what can happen when you’re traveling. Protect yourself from health issues, accidents, or if things are stolen.

 Spend a little extra now to protect yourself while you’re traveling. 

Stash some cash 

 Always have some extra cash hidden, just in case. Use your imagination and the possibilities are endless. Some great places include your shoes, bras, deodorant containers, and hairbrush stems.

I hope these 19 essential safety tips for solo female travel will help make you safe and self-assured on your next trip.

Have a wonderful time!

Here is a Pinterest friendly photo….so you can pin to your travel board!