15 Unforgettable Short Travel Quotes

Short travel quotes are meant to be unforgettable and inspirational. They are meant to stay with you and plant the seed for the next amazing adventure of your life!

Here are 15 simply unforgettable short travel quotes that I hope will stimulate and persuade you to take action.

1.“Jobs fill your pocket. Adventures fill your soul.”― Jaime Lyn Beatty

Best Short Travel Quotes



Isn’t this the truth? This short-travel quote sums it up in a nutshell. We work our jobs to save up for the adventures that fill our souls. Travel is what completes us and makes us who we are.

Jobs are to travel as gas is to a car.

2. “Some people are so poor, all they have is money.”– Patrick Meagher

Best Short Travel Quote- WGT

Travel is the only thing that will make you richer. It enriches and educates you as nothing else can. What travel teaches you stays with you forever.

What I like most about these short travel quotes is that they are so on point

3. “You don’t have to be rich to travel well. ” – Eugene Fodor

You can travel on a dime and see the world.

There are so many ways to travel and still be able to see all the places you want and experience all that you want to.

All it takes is a little bit of time and some research for you to save a lot of money on your travel plans. There is no secret formula but to take the time and do your research.

One of the websites I currently use when I begin to plan my travel is Google Flights. It’s a great tool with plenty of filters that can often expose many bargain flights.

4. “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” – David Mitchell – This short travel quote is to the point and spot on!

Traveling brings so much clarity to your life. You learn so much about yourself and discover what is truly important to you and what matters.

There is a saying – “It is easier to see the picture when you are outside the frame.” Traveling brings you outside the frame of your life and has a way of putting things in perspective for you as nothing else can.

5. “You’ll miss the best things if you keep your eyes shut.”– Dr. Seuss

Theodor Seuss Geisel was such a talented writer and cartoonist. He wrote with such ease and simplicity that made you want to read more.

I think this is a great short travel quote because it reminds you to be present in all you do. In every part of your journey in life and travel, you’ve got to get involved and do things. Being a passenger in your own boat is not going to bring you the life that you want. You and only you can be the captain of your ship!

To see the world, you need to travel. Plan your dream vacation and take the journey you have always wanted to go on.

6. “To live will be an awfully big adventure” J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

As I sit writing this post on short travel quotes, I find myself inspired to make more travel plans and go on more adventures!

Life is too short to procrastinate.

I just love inspirational quotes that inspire. If you love travel quotes as I do, check out – Inspirational Travel Quotes – The Absolute Best Ones. They are sure to give you the boost you need to live your best life!

7. “Every exit is an entry somewhere else.” – Tom Stoppard

When one door shuts, a window opens. When one journey concludes another can begin. It’s amazing how many chapters our lives can have and that includes traveling. While we are often sad when our vacation is over and we have to go back to work, it is exactly at that time that we can begin planning our next adventure!

There is a quote that says, “ When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This is so true for traveling and life in general. Life is all about how we look at things.

8. “Paris is always a good idea.” Audrey Hepburn

Truer words have never been spoken! Paris is simply amazing and always such a good idea!

Whether you go for a week, a long weekend, or include it as a destination in your travel itinerary, you will not be disappointed one bit. Paris is a city like no other. Filled with amazing history and architecture, fine wines, mouth-watering desserts, fashion, and cafes, Paris has it all!
There is a reason why all the cafes have their seats facing the street. There is so much to see, you can easily spend an hour or more checking out the well-dressed pedestrians, the iconic streets, and just feel all the love Paris has to offer.

9. “People don’t take trips, trips take people.”– John Steinbeck


Trips take people and enrich them as nothing else can. A good trip can take hold of you and never release you from its grip. Good journeys, like life, often take you down a different road than you originally planned for and make you better for it.

10. “Traveling tends to magnify all human emotions.”– Peter Hoeg

There are so many positive things that traveling does for you, but one of the best things is that it can clarify and put into perspective so many aspects of your life.

A good example is, Eat Pray Love. The book and movie were awesome examples of dealing with your emotions and finding yourself. Traveling tends to bring your emotions out front and center, the good and the bad.

11. “Oh the places you’ll go.” Dr. Seuss

Once again, Dr. Seuss makes it on the list of the best short travel quotes. His brief and direct style is quite pleasant to read and fits the bill for inspiration.

There are a plethora of wonderful destinations to discover and explore. So many places to see! Make a list, and just go see how beautiful this world really is!

12. “Investment in travel is an investment in yourself.”– Matthew Karsten

I cannot think of anything else that I would rather spend my money on. Travel is the best investment there is for me. Nothing else makes me want to spend money as much as traveling, and to me, the dividends that it pays me are priceless.

13.  “Travel is never a matter of money but of courage.” – Paolo Coelho

It’s very easy to use the excuse of not having enough money to travel, but in reality, it’s just a matter of choosing your priorities and shifting your resources over to what matters to you.

Just making small adjustments to your spending habits can result in significant savings that can allow your dream of travel to turn into a reality. Deciding to make coffee at home instead of buying out, purchasing groceries only on sale, buying fewer clothes, and just adjusting your heat/ac controls, can lead to huge savings.

Have you always dreamt of traveling alone, but are afraid to do so? Many blogs are featuring solo travelers who can encourage and inspire you. You can also consider group travel. They have groups for just women, groups for young adults, groups for couples, and on and on.

Don’t let your fear discourage you. Everything you have ever wanted is on the other side of fear!

14. “The journey is my home.”– Muriel Rukeyser – Best short travel quote ever!

This quote is for the people that always have the itch to travel. It’s for all the folks who get home and need to quickly pack their bags to go on another journey.

Some people just feel at home when they are traveling, like it is what they were meant to do. It certainly gives credence to the saying, “Home is where you hang your hat.”

If you like traveling as a couple, check out 15 of the Most Romantic Travel Quotes for Lovers.

15. Dare To Live The Life You’ve Always Wanted.

I have chosen to keep the absolute best short travel quote for last.

It is short, to the point, and very inspirational.

Take five minutes to sit and write down what your best life looks like. Strip down the chores and responsibilities you have and figure out what your best looks like to you. It will look different for everyone, so don’t compare yourself to anyone. Write down what you want out of this life and make yourself some goals and figure out how you will get there. Then put your responsibilities back into the equation so you can figure out how to turn the life you’ve dreamed of into a reality. Rome wasn’t built in a day, so just taking baby steps in the right direction will make a huge impact.

Fifteen of the Best Short Travel Quotes were written for you to ponder and for you to be inspired to make that next journey of your wonderful and amazing life!

Here is a Pinterest-friendly pic….so you can pin it to your Travel Board!